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Envío gratis y asegurado

Los envíos son totalmente asegurados a todo el mundo.

Debido a la gran demanda de pedidos, la tramitación de los mismos puede tardar hasta 3-5 días hábiles.

Los envíos tardan entre 6 y 10 días hábiles dependiendo de la localización.

Para los envíos a Perú o Chile, este periodo puede extenderse hasta los 20-25 días hábiles.

Garantía de devolución

Si el producto llega dañado o en mal estado y/o desea realizar una devolución, dispone de 14 días para tramitarla. El transporte corre a cargo del cliente.

Ultimas unidades al 25%

Al finalizar la oferta volverá a su precio original


Camiseta 100% Algodón con el gramaje perfecto para que al tacto se note la calidad del producto.

Do you want to make yourself known but don't know how?

Do you need a tool to promote your talent, knowledge or brand? Do you want to meet new people?

At Followw Me we have developed the perfect solution for you. Our QR code t-shirts will help you stand out and connect with your audience anywhere.

Buy your t-shirt

Promote your project

Imagine you're walking down the street and every person you meet could be a potential customer, and you're the window display. Would you like that?

At Followw Me we have created a youthful and modern clothing brand with a QR code accessible to everyone. This way, you can make your brand, your networks and your project known to the world.

Send us the links to your social networks and website, and go out on the street letting the t-shirt do the rest.

Buy your t-shirt